* @title T/U box
* @description w/ "{title} {url}" format. easy copyable title/url box; click to copy, double-click outer to close
* @include http://*
* @include https://*
* @contributor pacochi http://let.hatelabo.jp/pacochi/let/hJme3OvVzN41
* @contributor noromanba http://let.hatelabo.jp/noromanba/let/hJme3Pyylqos
* @license MIT License https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
* @javascript_url
/* modifications
* Show confirm dialog for doubtful URL
(location.pushState/replace will cause mismatch between meta URLs and current URL)
* URL cleanup for some sites
* Fix copy format
* Hover cursor on inputs to show preview (i.e. title attribute)
* Add Title+URL format
* Append location.hash
* Avoid to use array for querySelector (for cloudflare rocket.js)
* Close on click anywhere
* Add support of og:url with absolute path and protocol-less URL
* Add support of Web Share API (Chromium and "Experimental Web Platform features" flag may be required. only on https page)
* More styles
(() => {
'use strict';
const tag = (name, props = {}, children = []) => {
const e = Object.assign(document.createElement(name), props);
if (typeof props.style === "object") Object.assign(e.style, props.style);
(children.forEach ? children : [children]).forEach(c => e.appendChild(c));
return e;
const canonical = (() => {
const canonical_base =
(document.querySelector('head meta[property="og:url"][content]') || {}).content ||
(document.querySelector('head link[rel="canonical"][href]') || {}).href ||
if (!canonical_base) return null;
const prefix =
(canonical_base.startsWith('/') && location.origin) ||
(!canonical_base.match(/^[a-z]+:/) && location.protocol + '//') || /* :/ */
const urlobj = new URL(prefix + canonical_base);
urlobj.hash = location.hash;
return urlobj.href;
const title = document.title;
const canonical_whitelist = /\.amazon\./;
const canonical_blacklist = /[\.\/]github\.com/;
let url =
(!canonical && location.href) ||
(new URL(canonical).pathname === location.pathname && canonical) ||
(canonical_whitelist.test(location.href) && canonical) ||
(canonical_blacklist.test(location.href) && location.href) ||
(confirm(`次のURLがmetaタグから見つかりましたが、現在のpathと異なります。\nキャンセルを押すとlocation.hrefを使用します。\n${canonical}`) && canonical) ||
const filters = {
// tbm: mode, tbs: options
[/www\.google\.[a-z\.]+\/search/]: { allowed_params: /^(q|tbm|tbs|start)$/ },
[/(amazon\.[a-z\.]+)\/([^\/]+\/)?dp/]: { replace: '$1/dp', allowed_params: /^$/ },
// 単純な検索は search-alias, field-.+ で、そこから設定していくと rh になるっぽい。
// url は search-alias 等を含んでいることがあり、展開してしまってもよさそうではあるが…。
// あとcanonicalだとrhに正規化されてる気がする。
[/(amazon\.[a-z\.]+)\/([^\/]+?\/)?(s|gp\/search)(\/[^\?]*)?\?/]: { replace: '$1/s?', allowed_params: /^(url|search-alias|field-.+|rh|sort|page)$/ }
for (const [name, action] of Object.entries(filters)) {
const regex = new RegExp(name.substr(1, name.length - 2));
if (!regex.test(url)) continue;
if (action.replace)
url = url.replace(regex, action.replace);
const urlobj = new URL(url);
if (action.allowed_params) {
.filter(k => !action.allowed_params.test(k))
.forEach(k => urlobj.searchParams.delete(k));
url = urlobj.toString();
const box = document.body.appendChild(tag('div', {
id: 'copy-buttons',
style: `
border: 1em solid white;
outline: 1px solid silver;
padding: 0.2em 0.5em;
background: silver;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: ${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || Number.MAX_VALUE};
const onClose = e => {
document.removeEventListener('click', onClose);
box.addEventListener('click', e => e.stopPropagation());
box.addEventListener('dblclick', onClose);
document.addEventListener('click', onClose);
{ label: 'URL', value: url },
{ label: 'Title', value: title },
{ label: 'Title + URL', value: title + ' ' + url },
{ label: 'Hatena', value: `[${url}:title=${title}]` },
{ label: 'Markdown', value: `[${title}](${url})` },
navigator.share && { label: 'Web Share', value: `Share!`, onclick: () => navigator.share({ title, url }) },
].filter(x => x).forEach(({label, value, onclick}) => {
box.appendChild(tag('label', {
style: `display: block; color: black; text-align: left;`,
}, [
tag('span', {
style: `display: inline-block; width: 8em;`,
textContent: `${label}: `
!onclick ?
tag('input', {
style: `
color: black;
background-color: #ddd;
border: none;
border-bottom: 1px solid gray;
padding: 0.2em;
margin: 0.3em 0;
width: 15em;`,
title: value,
onclick: e => {
}) :
tag('input', {
type: 'button',
style: `margin: 0.3em 0; `,