// @title =A!
// @description Hatena Antenna force bulk checker
// @include http://a.hatena.ne.jp/HATENA_ID/checklist
// @include http://a.hatena.ne.jp/HATENA_ID/
// @contributor noromanba http://let.hatelabo.jp/noromanba/let/hLHUksLx6YMy
// @contributor a-kuma3 http://h.hatena.ne.jp/a-kuma3/227133357563872599 (reviewer)
// @license MIT License https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
// @javascript_url
// request part
// - error handling
// - timeout check
// - responses assert
// - exact feedback
// - under a async request
// TBD
// - wait per fetch
// overall
// - [Promise#]finally
// login required
(() => {
'use strict';
const refresh = async (antenna) => {
const headers = new Headers();
headers.set('Content-Type', 'text/html;charset=euc-jp');
const edit = await fetch(antenna.href, {
// needs cookie
credentials: 'same-origin',
// XXX ignoring charset
const txt = await edit.text();
// TBD DOMParser()
const url = (txt.match(/^<td><a\s+href="(https?[^"]+)"\s+target="_blank"/m) || [])[1];
if (!url) return;
// manual checker syntax;
// http://a.hatena.ne.jp/check?url=<ENCODED_URL>[&robots=1]
// min GET interval: 5min c.f.
// http://a.hatena.ne.jp/check
const checker = new URL('http://a.hatena.ne.jp/check');
checker.searchParams.set('url', url);
await fetch(checker.href, {
credentials: 'same-origin',
const progress = (max) => {
const bar = Object.assign(document.createElement('progress'), {
value: 0,
textContent: '0/' + max,
// TBD bulk style assign
Object.assign(bar.style, {
zIndex: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,
position: 'fixed',
top: '50%',
opacity: 0.7,
// TBD merge into style section
bar.style.left = 'calc(50% - ' + getComputedStyle(bar).width + ' / 2)';
return bar;
const sleep = (wait = 1 * 1000) => {
//const Promise = window.Promise; // ESLint workaround
return new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, wait));
const title = document.title;
// NOTE `await wait()` do not working within Array/NodeList callback loops, sucks
// i.e. can not use w/ Array#forEach() NodeList#forEach() and Array#map() et al. WTH
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37576685/using-async-await-with-a-foreach-loop
// https://qiita.com/frameair/items/e7645066075666a13063
// TBD replace to Promise.all-stepping w/ loop callback
(async () => {
const links = document.body.querySelectorAll([
const max = links.length;
// TODO visible text feedback
const feedback = progress(max);
// TBD incremental for
let done = 0;
for (const link of links) {
// TODO decrement from async-part
feedback.value = done += 1;
// TODO into a feedback
const state = [
String(done).padStart(String(max).length, '0'),
feedback.textContent = state;
const remain = max - done;
document.title = '(' + remain + ') ' + title;
await sleep();
// TBD
// - omit console
// - show checkee url
// - responses status
console && console.debug && console.debug([ //eslint-disable-line no-console
(new Date).toTimeString().slice(0, 8),
].join(' '));
// TODO into async finally
document.title = title;