* @title T/U area
* @description show textarea for copy title/url
* @include http://*
* @include https://*
* @contributor a-kuma3 http://let.hatelabo.jp/a-kuma3/let/hJme4N-s77x7
* @license MIT License https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
* @javascript_url
(() => {
"use strict";
const append_element = (paren, tag, attr) => {
return paren.appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement(tag), attr));
const LET_ID = "let-" + Date.now();
// `id` is possibility of overwritten by Extension or else
// e.g. It's All Text!
// <textarea id="itsalltext_generated_id__1">
const container = append_element(document.body, "div", {
className: LET_ID,
const remove_let = () => {
const style = document.querySelector(`style[data-let-id="${LET_ID}"]`);
if (!style) return;
// http://let.hatelabo.jp/noromanba/let/hJme3Pyylqos
// https://gist.github.com/noromanba/d730ccf3ae5e6916cd60
const canonical = (document.querySelector([
"head meta[property='og:url'][content]"
]) || {}).content ||
"head link[rel='canonical'][href]"
]) || {}).href ||
const area = append_element(container, "textarea", {
className: "page-meta",
value: document.title + "\n" + canonical,
cols: 100,
rows: 5,
// Chrome/mium can not use onkeypress w/ Esc key, use onkeydown/onkeyup
onkeyup(evt) {
const ESC = 27;
if (evt.keyCode === ESC) {
readOnly: true,
// TODO plain link for keyboard a11y
append_element(container, "div", {
className: "btn close",
innerHTML: "❌",
title: "Close",
onclick() { remove_let(); },
tabIndex: 0,
// TODO plain img-link for keyboard a11y
append_element(container, "div", {
className: "btn bookmark",
innerHTML: "<img src='https://b.st-hatena.com/images/entry-button/button-only.gif'>",
alt: "Hatena Bookmark",
title: "Hatena Bookmark",
onclick() {
location.href = "http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/" + canonical;
tabIndex: 0,
const STYLE_PREFIX = "." + LET_ID;
append_element(document.head || document.body, "style", {
// BUG Template Literals Workaround for JavaScript::Squish
// malfunction multi selector into a Template Literals,
// due to Hatena::Let packer was remove spaces at around punctuations
// thx id:unarist
// JavaScript::Squish SYNOPSIS c.f.
// http://unarist.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/04/04/151131
// !%&()*+,-/:;<=>?[]\{|}~
// http://h.hatena.ne.jp/unarist/83469576782921676
// http://let.hatelabo.jp/unarist/let/hLHW5K6CvOAv
// i.e.
// `.klass div {} .klass pre {}` -> `.klass div{}.klass pre{}`
// `${EXP} div {} ${EXP} .clazz {}` -> `${EXP}div{}${EXP}.clazz{}`
// Hatena::Let using JavaScript::Squish c.f.
// http://secondlife.hatenablog.jp/entry/20100515/1273919432
// http://search.cpan.org/dist/JavaScript-Squish/
// TBD replace `''` c.f.
// http://let.hatelabo.jp/unarist/let/hJme5PqDlpFI
textContent: [
"display: inline-block;",
"position: fixed;",
"top: 0;",
"left: 0;",
"background-color: white;",
"border: 1px inset gray;",
"z-index: " + Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || Number.MAX_VALUE + ";",
STYLE_PREFIX + " textarea {",
" height: 5em !important;",
" vertical-align: top;",
" font-family: monospace;",
" font-size: 10pt;",
" height: 5em;",
" width: auto;",
" margin: 0;",
STYLE_PREFIX + " textarea::-moz-selection {",
" background-color: #5dacf2;",
" color: #444;",
STYLE_PREFIX + " .btn {",
" display: inline-block;",
" position: absolute;",
" right: 0;",
" color: white;",
" width: 1.5em;",
" height: 1.5em;",
" border: 2px silver solid;",
" cursor: pointer;",
" text-align: center;",
" font-family: monospace;",
" font-size: 10pt;",
STYLE_PREFIX + " .close {",
" background-color: darkred;",
" vertical-align: top;",
STYLE_PREFIX + " .bookmark {",
" top: 1.5em;",
" padding: 0;",
STYLE_PREFIX + " .bookmark img {",
" width: 1.5em;",
" height: 1.5em;",
}).setAttribute("data-let-id", LET_ID);
// WIP Experimental
// http://let.hatelabo.jp/noromanba/let/hJme5LS4m4I9